
Welcome to the team @ Acre Design, Robbie Evans, Senior Architect.

Robie Evans

Senior Architect Joins the Team at Acre Design

Last week, we welcomed Robbie Evans, a Senior Architect based in Newcastle, to our team of creatives at Acre Design. Robbie is going to be an asset to our team and we can’t wait to share some of his projects with you – keep an eye on our Recent Projects page.

I asked Robbie a few questions to give you an insight into his values and background as an Architect…

What inspired you to become an Architect?

This is always a tough question as I’m not completely sure. I think subconsciously it was from my childhood. My neighbour was a builder and was constantly renovating and extending his house and I used to go over and help. As I got a bit older though, I decided that I was more interested in the design aspect, rather than the hands-on labour.

What are essential qualities that an Architect should have?

A good eye for detail, good communication skills, both verbally and visually. But most importantly be able to party. We work hard, but we play harder!

Where did you study and what were your highlights from your student years?

I completed my entire architectural education at Newcastle University. The highlight of this was being involved in a live build project as part of my Masters degree.

What have been the highlights of your career so far?

My biggest highlight would be the live build project in Kielder Forest. I was part of a team of 9 students that designed and then built a new bird hide on the edge of Bakethin Reservoir in Kielder.

What do you love most about your job?

The thing I love most about my job is the process of designing something tangible. Taking the client on a journey from an initial idea in their head and making it a reality for them.

What are your goals for the future?

My goals for the future are all about progression and making myself the best Architect I can be. There is always something new to learn and that is what makes the job so exciting.

Are you concerned about environmental and social sustainability in your work?

Absolutely. As an Architect we have a duty of care and need to think about the wider impact of our work. It is not all about providing beautiful architecture for the client.

Who inspires you?

Personally, I think the people around me (colleagues, friends, family) are the ones that inspire me most. They are the people that will always provide support and advice and push you to produce your best.

What are the most interesting recent developments in architecture?

I think the most important developments in architecture are to do with the improvements in materials and technology that enable us as designers to create beautiful designs that are sustainable. The regulations are becoming more stringent with a big change coming in 2025 to lead the construction industry in the UK to net zero carbon figures.

Tell us a bit about yourself… What are your hobbies and interests outside work?

Outside of work I enjoy cooking, eating and drinking as standard, but I also enjoy DIY. I plan to get into a little bit of property developing alongside Architecture in the next few years. I have also recently started making furniture as a little side hustle in my spare time.

Robbie Evans Designs

"Robbie(You can check out Robbie’s furniture and DIY on his awesome Instagram page here)

If you had just one piece of advice for an aspiring architect, what would it be?

Try it out first, and get some work experience. It is a highly rewarding job and a great career, but it is also a massive commitment. You are setting yourself up for 7 years more of education and learning at university to become qualified and you need to make sure it’s 100% what you want to do.

Thanks, Robbie!

We hope that you find this information helpful, at Acre Design Newcastle we are passionate about all things sustainable and innovative. We would love to discuss your project with you in detail.

Take a look at our recent projects for further inspiration! Get in touch to arrange a free feasibility discussion with Alistair. 

We considered an extension to our property, but had little idea how to proceed. We selected Acre Design from positive reviews posted and have not been disappointed. Help and advice was always available and the team led us through the process in a professional and timely manner. We have no hesitation in recommending them!

John McRiner

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CAI Building, Royal Quays,
North Shields, NE29 6DE

T: 0191 6808 088